Reef Site Card - Red Sea - Panama City, Florida
The 130 foot long ocean going tug Red Sea rests off Panama City. This vessel sit upright in 74 feet of water. Learn more about this site...
Reef Site Cards, also called 3D Dive Site Maps, are a handy tool for divers, snorkelers, anglers and boaters. Anglers can see on these very detailed cards the reef site structure to learn the best way to fish a site. Divers get important details to make the most of their bottom time. Snorkelers can take the cards with them into the water and learn about what they are seeing from above.
Cards include site details, depths, currents, GPS coordinates in DDMM.MMM format, distance from nearest port, and other pertinent information which varies by site. A great planning tool for fishing and diving.
Plastic waterproof cards are 3-hole punched for dive log books or use with a lanyard and take with you into the water. Full color high quality printed graphics on both sides of cards. Rinse with fresh water after each use.
Makes a great gift!
Card Size: 8 1/2" x 5 1/2" (14cm x 21.6cm)
Click the product image above to see a large image of both sides of card.
Legal Disclaimer
This card is for informational and recreational purposes only. Any marked buoy's number or position is subject to change. Sizes and depths are approximated. The seller/publisher assumes no responsibility for discrepancies and/or omissions, nor do they assume any liability for the use of this map. The suggested dive plan is optional.
Mfg: Art To Media, Quebec, Canada - Plastic card stock imported from the USA