The answer is quite simple; we provide a service that saves our customers a lot of time. Our customers would rather be out on the water than surfing the internet for numbers.
We discovered there was a need for our services way back in 2010 when we towed our boat to The Keys. Armed with waypoint lists printed from the internet, we spent more time fumbling through lists than fishing!
Many of our customers are not computer savvy, so they could not even attempt to decipher the information found all over the internet and put it into a usable format. And other customers are just too busy and want an easy solution. Why spend all that time punching numbers into your GPS unit when you can import hundreds in seconds? That is the value of our product!
We have been scolded many times by computer savvy individuals who criticize us for selling public waypoints. These same individuals have spent a lot of time online gathering numbers all over the internet and think because the information is free online that we should not sell it. Obviously they do not understand the value of our services or our lists. Our waypoint lists are unique, so if you find the exact same information anywhere else on the internet, please let us know because it is highly likely to be stolen - our lists are copyrighted and we will prosecute.
What makes our waypoint lists unique? We combine public information from many resources into easy to use data files. Many of our sources are public but not easily found on the internet. We have researched the rules for highly regulated areas like The Keys, we include marine zones with their individual rules, and we include shipwrecks, natural reefs, holes and inlets. We actively work with GPS manufacturers, federal, state and local organizations including marine patrol for ground level site rules.
We have spent an enormous amount of time researching sites, learning the intricacies of dozens of GPS brands, formatting the data into usable formats, updating site information with new deployments and helping customers use our data files. From our extensive research we have created waypoint files that are easy to import into GPS units, print and view on all your devices.
Not only is our information unique but we have formatted it into lists of waypoint that are easy to use!
Also see Why are our GPS Data Files Unique